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If the student does not activate their thought
and mobilise their energy while the teacher is working,
nothing will come of the work.
It is impossible to 'do' Alexander Technique to someone.

On stage! by Agnés Brunhoff

Reading Materials

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Girl Relaxing
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Alexander Technique for Musicians

Judith Kleinman and Peter Buckoke

The Use of Self


on Alexander Technique

Class Material

Musicians and the Alexander Technique

Guide to Alexander Technique links


The Alexander Technique: First Lesson

Introduction to the Alexander Technique with Academy Award®-winner William Hurt and teacher Jane Kosminsky

Alexander technique lesson with Diana Devitt-Dawson

Alexander technique - a first lesson with Diana Devitt-Dawson

Sit smarter, not harder: Scott Donkin at TEDxLincoln

Sitting too long or too wrong creates weakness in individuals, organizations, and society. One key element of transformation includes shifting a weakness to a strength. Shifting sitting from a weakness to a strength transforms us.

Scott Donkin, DC, DACBOH is an internationally published author, chiropractor, lecturer, and consultant who has been in private practice in Lincoln, Nebraska for over thirty years. He speaks nationally and internationally on numerous ergonomic, health, wellness, longevity, and quality of life topics.

Find your primal posture and sit without back pain: Esther Gokhale at TEDxStanford

Esther Gokhale

“People do not decide their futures,

they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures.”

F. M. Alexander

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